Sunday, February 28, 2010

Submissions Wanted

Hey You

If you have any interest in writing about artists and performances for this blog, please let me know.

Right now I'd particularly be interested in coverage of the nights of the Festival that are missing here. That would be the shows this past Wed and Thurs, Feb 24 and 25th.

However, In general the idea as it says above is to cover the performances and other creative activities stemming from the community of artists surrounding Sidewalk Cafe. I define the connection to Sidewalk by some sort of internal logic, but usually it's pretty obvious who or what qualifies for coverage here and things can be pretty broadly defined.

One priority is to provide a sense of what's currently happening on the scene, but I think just as important is building up a base of history that folks can search in the future. My focus has been on documenting performances but if you are interested in album reviews, artist profiles, or any more creative types of write-ups, photo coverage, whatever, that would be cool too. One intention is to showcase the long lineage of folks who have been connected to Sidewalk over the years. Lots of folks have moved out of New York or perform mostly on tour so out of town write ups would definitely be of interest.

I can be reached at thirdclassmail [aaattttt] earthlink [dotttt] net


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